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Structured list


By default, structured lists have a transparent background layer. Optionally, you can apply a colored background layer to a structured list. Structured lists with a colored background layer are only available in the hang alignment.

ElementPropertyColor token
Header texttext-color
Header row dividerborder-bottom
Header (transparent)background-colortransparent
Header (background)background-color
Row texttext-color
Row dividerborder-bottom
Row (transparent)background-colortransparent
Row (background)background-color

  • Denotes a contextual color token that will change values based on the layer it is placed on.

Color of the interactive structured list

Interactive states

The structured list interactive states are shown below with its default transparent background layer and its optional color background layer.

StateElementPropteryColor token
Enabled (selected)Rowbackground-color
Row texttext-color
Row texttext-color
Hover (selected)Rowbackground-color
Row texttext-color
FocusRow (transparent)background-colortransparent
Row (background)background-color
Focus (selected)Rowbackground-color
Row texttext-color
DisabledRow (transparent)background-colortransparent
Row (background)background-color
Row texttext-color
Iconinner fill
Disabled (selected)Rowbackground-color
Row texttext-color
Iconinner fill

  • Denotes a contextual color token that will change values based on the layer it is placed on.

State of the interactive structured list


Structured list headings should be set in title case, while all other text is set in sentence case. All typography is left aligned.

Elementpx / remFont-weightType token
Heading14 / 0.875SemiBold / 600
List text14 / 0.875Regular / 400


ElementPropertypx / remSpacing token
Structured listmin-width500 / 31.25–
Headerpadding-top16 / 1
padding-bottom8 / 0.5
padding-right16 / 1
padding-left (hang)16 / 1
padding-left (flush)0–
Row textpadding-top16 / 1
padding-bottom24 / 1.5
padding-right16 / 1
padding-left (hang)16 / 1
padding-left (flush)0–
Iconheight, width16px–
padding-left, padding-right16 / 1

Default structure

Spacing and measurements for default structured list

Spacing and measurements for default structured list with hang and flush alignment | px / rem.

Selectable structure

Spacing and measurements for selectable structured list

Spacing and measurements for selectable structured list with hang alignment | px / rem.


There are two structured list sizes: default and condensed.

ElementSizepx / rem
Row itemDefault60 / 3.75
Condensed36 / 2.25
Sizes of structured list with selection

Default and condensed sizes for structured lists